Feb 3, 2015

KIND MAGZ 4th Edition " Early Year Issue "

KIND MAGZ, electronic magazine lokal pertama yang mengulas tentang perkembangan scene Graffiti dan Sub Kultur Street Art di Indonesia kembali meluncurkan edisi nya yang ke empat pada hari ini. Hadir dengan format yang ringan, kalian akan diajak mengenal lebih dekat dengan beberapa writer ( Graffiti artist ) asal Indonesia, Singapura dan Malaysia.Tidak ketinggalan pada edisi ini menampilkan writer legendaris asal New York, dia adalah FUTURA2000. Tak hanya sampai disitu saja, guest from the next door kali ini adalah seorang musisi bergenre Southern Rock asal kota Lumpia. Simak interview eksklusif mereka di edisi ke empat KIND MAGZ.


The first local electronic magazine that represent the world of Indonesian graffiti and its street art culture, KIND MAGZ just hours ago released its fourth issue. As usual, the February 2015 issue come with an easy-to-read format and discusses some of the local news as well as interview with several top notch or upcoming graffiti artists from South East Asia, ranging from Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia. In addition, they also display an information about the legendary writer from New York named FUTURA2000. Last but not least, they decided to bring in the Southern Rock genre musicians from the city of Lumpia, Semarang for the latest editorial page known as “Guest from the Next Door”. Check out the entire exclusive interview now on the fourth edition of KIND MAGZ.

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